Lifestyle I found my secret to feeling younger and stronger. The pandemic stole it away By Bruce Horovitz | Kaiser Health News | December 11, 2020 Science shows that volunteering is good for the mind and body -- quite literally -- but the pandemic stole writer Bruce Horovitz's new pursuits.
COVID-19 Exercise and diet are more important than ever with virus at large By Bernard Wolfson | Kaiser Health News | September 9, 2020 "The Quarantine 15" weight gain due to inactivity during the pandemic is a real phenomenon. Here are some ways to fight it.
COVID-19 How COVID-19 might increase risk of memory loss and cognitive decline By Natalie C. Tronson, Associate Professor of Psychology, University of Michigan | Local News Matters | August 11, 2020 The virus will continue to impact health and well-being long after the pandemic is over.
California “This is a pandemic of trauma. Everybody is feeling the pain…” By Barbara Feder Ostrov | CALmatters | July 22, 2020 As COVID-19 cases surge in California, mental health experts describe both suffering and reason for hope.
anxiety Commentary | I faced a challenge one out of every three people in America has: depression and anxiety By Lenny Mendonca | CALmatters | July 7, 2020 Well-meaning friends discouraged me from sharing my diagnosis because doing so would end my career, they said.
Nonprofit Wellness Center Support Committee and PRAISE announce grant to PUSD Wellness Center By Rebecca Thornborrow | May 19, 2020 The grant will be used immediately to pay stipends to the trainees, interns and associates who work with students.
California Student anxiety, depression increasing during school closures, survey finds By Carolyn Jones | EdSource | May 14, 2020 More than half of students surveyed said they need mental health services since schools closed.
COVID-19 SIP is stressful | Wellness Center offers some tips for coping By Amy Hazer & Alisa Crovetti | May 8, 2020 The close quarters of SIP without the usual rhythm and variety we're used to can cause our systems to overload.
commentary OK, Boomer – here are 10 truths from a coronavirus quarantined Boomer By Maggie Shandera Linden | CALmatters | May 4, 2020 Heading into the second month of staying home to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, here's how one Baby Boomer is coping and what she's learning.
Bay Area Golf courses reopening Monday after shelter order modification By Eli Walsh | Bay City News | April 30, 2020 Bay Area golf courses can resume operations as long as they enforce physical distancing.