
Dear Readers,

We’re pleased to introduce Piedmont Exedra, our town’s only free, hyperlocal, independent online news source. We promise to offer fair and transparent reporting and to admit and correct our mistakes. We strive to cover everyone in the community and to present diverse voices on civic issues and local news. While we will have professional reporters and affiliates covering news, we are counting on local citizens (current and former residents of Piedmont) to help us in our mission. Do you have a tip? News to report? An event to add to the calendar? Did we get something wrong?

We will be working to learn the best ways to report news and serve our community. Please let us know what you’re thinking! We want to hear from you. Here’s how:

We are looking forward to working with you and your organization and to serving the citizens of Piedmont.


Holly Hanke, Mary Ireland, and Eric Sullivan
Piedmont Exedra Founders

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