city City administrator announces plans to retire in 2023 By Exedra Staff | August 9, 2022 Sara Lillevand has steered the city through major transitions since taking the job in 2019.
City UPDATE: With a deadline of Aug. 12, more candidates pull papers for Nov. election By Exedra Staff | August 9, 2022 That brings the current total to six so far for City Council and three for the Board of Education.
City City to continue analysis as it preps Housing Element By Sam Richards | August 2, 2022 City Council deliberated for over five hours Monday night and there's (maybe) more to come later this month.
Featured in Category Tracking COVID in Piedmont | Aug. 2 By Exedra Staff | August 2, 2022 We don't know what the numbers mean anymore either.
COVID-19 Tracking COVID in Piedmont | July 26 By Exedra Staff | July 26, 2022 Signs of a slowdown or temporary lull? Only time will tell.
City Piedmonters will need to step up if city is to meet climate action plan goals By Exedra Staff | July 19, 2022 Gas vehicles and natural gas use by residents account for 90% of city’s emissions.
City City Council approves modification to community pool construction scope By Exedra Staff | July 19, 2022 City hopes to save time and money by adding some work in pool-adjacent areas to the construction plan.
City As City refines Housing Element, residents react By Exedra Staff | July 12, 2022 Most support the work, but differ over how the city should meet its goals.