Books Why there’s more to the science of reading than phonics By Karen D'Souza | EdSource | August 17, 2023 Many significant obstacles lie ahead before a transformation in American reading instruction is likely to take root, literacy experts say.
California Can teachers be legally liable if district policy requires they break the law? By Diana Lambert | EdSource | August 15, 2023 Policies requiring staff to report transgender students to parents could violate anti-discrimination laws, students’ rights to privacy, Title IX protections, and the state education code.
Schools PUSD responds to new California math framework By Exedra Staff | August 15, 2023 Superintendent says no imminent changes to district math instruction.
Featured in Category School board welcomes new student members at first meeting of the year By Exedra Staff | August 15, 2023 Student representation on the board changed in 2022.
Featured in Category UPDATED: PMS and PHS/MHS to present ‘Little Mermaid Jr.’ and ‘Cabaret’ in 2023-2024 By Amy Moorhead | August 14, 2023 Auditions are open to all PUSD middle and high school students.
Featured in Category Schools are back in session By Photos by Julie Reichle and Meghan Bennett | August 11, 2023 Take your time during "rush hour" when central Piedmont is full of students heading to school.
Education Goodbye hotdogs, hello vegan masala: California’s school lunches are going gourmet By Carolyn Jones | CalMatters | August 10, 2023 With an influx of state and federal money, some school districts are revamping kitchens and training staff to provide freshly made, healthy meals.
parcel tax Appeals court upholds parcel taxes based on square footage with a ceiling By John Fensterwald | EdSource | August 10, 2023 The decision for Alameda Unified gives school districts and community colleges statewide more latitude to design a parcel tax.
Featured in Category Registration opens Aug. 14 for Piedmont Adult School’s fall session By Piedmont Adult School | August 9, 2023 New courses! The session will begin Sept 11 and run through Dec 17.
Featured in Category Photos | Students, families prep for back to school By Photos by Julie Reichle | Exedra Staff | August 8, 2023 Walk-through registration day is a well-oiled machine staffed by parent volunteers and school staff.