Around Town PRFO capital campaign raises $2.1 million for new community pool By City of Piedmont | June 6, 2023 A broad range of community groups joined more than 200 individual donors to support the fundraising effort.
Around Town Commentary | Join Piedmont Beautification Foundation in supporting healthy, sustainable landscaping for pool By Cameron Wolfe | May 30, 2023 Longtime city partner PBF will match $100,000 of funds raised for plantings and green infrastructure, writes PBF advisor Cameron Wolfe.
Around Town DBFL Piedmont pop-up donation day this Saturday By Dress Best for Less | May 30, 2023 ISO: Women's summer clothes, vintage and designer items, handbags, jewelry, home decor, and small appliances.
Around Town Photos | Maker Faire showcases STEAM projects By Exedra staff and Photos by Julie Reichle | May 23, 2023 Sunday's event drew around 1,500 attendees.
Around Town What’s the deal with … ? By Exedra Staff | May 23, 2023 In which we try to solve some of Piedmont's (smaller) mysteries.
Around Town Spots still available at Highlands Preschool summer camp By Highlands Preschool | May 19, 2023 A play-based program exploring dinosaurs, space, and more.
Around Town Piedmonters organize to raise funds for Witter Field improvements By Exedra staff and photos by Julie Reichle | May 19, 2023 Private donations sought for "critical extras" not covered by a state facilities grant.
Around Town Photos | Bike to Work Day By Photos by Julie Reichle | May 19, 2023 Early bird bikers stopped by Piedmont's "energizer station" for treats and swag.
Around Town Who’s that Good Dog? By Julie Reichle | May 19, 2023 Mimi is a Milo Foundation rescue pup who loves meatballs and pumpkin cookies.
Around Town Local with Lisa | Piedmont Prodigy By Lisa Chan Carnazzo | The GrubbCo | May 18, 2023 [SPONSORED VIDEO] GrubbCo agent and TV journalist interviews six-year-old Juliette Leong and her parents, who were featured on the reality show, The Parent Test.