Featured in Category An abortion rights question on the California ballot revives the debate over ‘viability’ By April Dembrosky | KQED | October 25, 2022 The leading advisory group for OB-GYNs removed the term viability from its guidance on abortion in May.
gavin newsom What you need to know about the California governor debate By Alexei Koseff | CalMatters | October 24, 2022 Gov. Gavin Newsom and challenger Brian Dahle clashed on abortion rights, homelessness, public schools, the state budget and more. But neither landed a knockout punch.
California Labor tries city-by-city push for $25 minimum wage at private medical facilities By Rachel Bluth | Kaiser Health News | October 21, 2022 SEIU-United Healthcare Workers West faces off against hospitals and health facilities in expensive battle over California wage hike proposal.
Bay Area Was the public health workforce’s pandemic funding boost enough? By Kristen Hwang | CalMatters | October 19, 2022 During the decade after the 2008 recession, state funding for public health dropped 64%.
covid Preliminary glimpse at test scores shows steep declines in reading, math By Carolyn Jones | EdSource | October 18, 2022 Results from some of California's largest districts show that pandemic challenges lingered through 2022.
COVID-19 California to end the COVID state of emergency By Kristen Hwang and Ana B. Ibarra | CalMatters | October 17, 2022 The state of emergency gave Newsom wide-ranging powers to issue mandates and enter into billions of dollars of emergency response contracts.
Bay Area 19 California school districts recognized for policies that support LGBTQ+ students By Carolyn Jones | EdSource | October 11, 2022 Some 118 school districts completed the survey. Piedmont Unified School District was one of 225 that did not respond.
Arts & Entertainment Bay City Books: New Books from Bay Area Authors – October 2022 By Meg Waite Clayton | Bay City News Foundation | October 11, 2022 Stories, poems, histories, and memoir in words, illustration, and photography.
gavin newsom California homeless population grew by 22,000 over pandemic By Manuela Tobias | CalMatters | October 6, 2022 The latest point-in-time count shows roughly the same pace of growth as previous years, but a disproportionate impact on Latinos.
gavin newsom Health care workers union is using ballot measures to remedy low wages amid a workforce shortage By Ana B. Ibarra | CalMatters | October 5, 2022 Union leaders hope that local wins for two measures to raise healthcare workers' wages at private facilities will spur a statewide movement.