Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | We need your support By Amelie Kappes, Colleen Allan, and Teebie Saunders | Giving Campaign co-chairs | November 20, 2020 The Giving Campaign co-chairs explain why donating to Piedmont schools is more important now than ever.
Letters to the Editor Letter to the Editor | It’s time to give By Cortney Allen, PEF vice chair | November 20, 2020 PEF Vice Chair Cortney Allen says the dollars raised this year are essential for the next school year.
Around Town Letter to the Editor | More time needed for input on PCA lease By Rebecca Posamentier | Chair, Piedmont Arts Fund | November 13, 2020 Let's take the time to look holistically at how we interact with the arts as a community, writes Rebecca Posamentier.
Around Town Letter to the Editor | Thank you for the support By Connie Herrick | November 10, 2020 Although the race did not turn in her favor, city council candidate Connie Herrick expresses gratitude for the community and reaffirms commitment to serving the city.
Around Town Letter to the Editor | Center for the Arts lease needs more public input, lost revenue at stake By Nancy Lehrkind | November 9, 2020 Why the rush to vote on Nov. 16 when there is still time to consider options, asks founder and former president of the PCA Nancy Lehrkind.
Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | Thigpen is an inclusive leader By Annemarie O’Brien | October 30, 2020 Annemarie Turner says Veronica Thigpen will bring resolve and resourcefulness to the school board.
Elections Letter to the Editor | Thigpen Anderson is a collaborative, can-do leader with experience in education By Sachin Adarkar | October 29, 2020 She would help PUSD translate good principles into productive, concrete actions, says Sachin Adarkar.
City Letter to the Editor | A world-class city like Piedmont should have a local pool By Dion Lim | October 29, 2020 Dion Lim is proud of the way Piedmonters have pulled together to support this important effort.
Letters to the Editor Letter to the Editor | Jen Cavenaugh is a progressive leader By Irene Cheng | October 27, 2020 Irene Cheng says Cavenaugh is not afraid to tackle the complex issues of the day.
Around Town Letter to the Editor | Pool is a hub of community life By Tom and Karen Sullivan | October 27, 2020 Building a pool will not get less expensive with time, and with interest rates so low, the timing is right.