Elections Letter to the Editor | Ruchi Medhekar for excellent Piedmont schools By Esti Iturralde | September 23, 2022 From site council rep to BPO president, Medhekar is a committed volunteer who knows how to listen and bring people together, writes fellow Beach parent Esti Iturralde.
Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | Lindsay Thomasson will be a fierce advocate for students By Claire Arno | September 23, 2022 Thomasson's demonstrated record of service to our school community makes her an ideal candidate, writes Claire Arno.
Letters to the Editor Letter to the Editor | New pedestrian ramps are unsafe, not aligned with city standards By Darlene Jang and Bruce Koon | September 9, 2022 Piedmont residents Darlene Jang and Bruce Koon say neighbors should have been given more notice before curb modifications were implemented.
Letters to the Editor Letter to the Editor | ‘If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ By Helen Gerken | September 9, 2022 The intersection at Holly and Manor needs a rethink, writes Helen Gerken.
Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | Creating more housing will strengthen our community By Elise Marie Collins | September 9, 2022 Affordable housing is critical for Piedmont's future, writes Elise Marie Collins.
Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | Diverse perspectives increase rigor, contribute to academic excellence By Ellen Lee on behalf of the Piedmont Anti-Racism and Diversity Committee Board | September 6, 2022 The Piedmont Anti-Racism and Diversity Committee (PADC) board applauds Piedmont schools for embracing a multicultural education.
Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | Problems with new sidewalks, curbs at Holly and Manor By Ellen Smith | August 30, 2022 York Drive resident Ellen Smith says the new designs are all wrong for this pedestrian- and bike-friendly neighborhood.
City Letter to the Editor | Bollards and bumpers are for the birds By Joy Koletsky Jacobs | August 16, 2022 Residents near Nova and Magnolia are not on board with city's traffic-calming plans, writes Joy Koletsky Jacobs.
Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | Piedmont’s housing puzzle missing a major piece By Garrett Keating | June 14, 2022 The city is overlooking a significant source of new housing potential via SB 9, writes resident Garrett Keating.
Featured in Category Letter to the Editor | Give Superintendent Advisory Committee members a seat at the (search) table By Keri Elmquist, Patrick Lang, Michelle McGilloway, Elizabeth Shook, Lindsay Thomasson, Linda Wendel, Keira Williams | June 3, 2022 In an open letter to the school board, parent representatives say they want an active role in identifying new district leadership.