Bay Area Even if California college campuses reopen, will most students still come? By Larry Gordon | EdSource | May 4, 2020 Worried about finances and health, some high school seniors are deciding to stay closer to home for college.
COVID-19 Always the bridesmaid, public health rarely spotlighted until it’s too late By Julie Rovner | Kaiser Health News | May 4, 2020 The public health system, which operates in the background, rarely gets the attention or funding it deserves -- until there's a crisis.
Bay Area Bay Area coronavirus updates | Sat., May 2 By Kathleen Kirkwood | Bay City News | May 2, 2020 69 new cases in Alameda County; masks required at San Jose International Airport.
Bay Area Bay Area coronavirus updates | Fri., May 1 By Eli Walsh | Bay City News | May 1, 2020 33 new cases in Alameda County since Thursday; Alameda County Food Bank partners with farms to provide fresh produce to those in need.
Arts & Entertainment Movie musical recs from a choir nerd By Exedra Staff | May 1, 2020 If you're stuck inside, why not? From The Sound of Music to Funny Girl to The Greatest Showman, here are some of our favorites.
Bay Area Anxiety builds as California colleges consider how and when to resume on-campus fall courses By Ashley Smith, Michael Burke | EdSource | May 1, 2020 Schools are considering online, in-person, or a mix of both as pandemic continues.
Bay Area Addressing California students’ loss of learning shapes plan to reopen schools By John Fensterwald | EdSource | May 1, 2020 There is an unprecedented need to reverse the loss of learning, but schools will need resources and support.
Arts & Entertainment Pass the remote: Five more films to watch with Bay Area ties By Randy Myers | Bay City News | May 1, 2020 Topping this week, two indies that are being released on Netflix, as well as restoration of the feminist Western “A Thousand Pieces of Gold.”
Arts & Entertainment Bay Area Book Festival goes virtual with thought-provoking programs By Sue Gilmore | Bay City News | May 1, 2020 The festival, which runs through May and into June, will have live and pre-recorded events for all ages.
Bay Area Bay Area coronavirus updates | Thurs., Apr. 30 By Eli Walsh | Bay City News | April 30, 2020 35 new cases in Alameda County; criminal jury trials suspended additional 30 days.