Uncategorized School Board approves appointment of new superintendent By Exedra Staff | March 10, 2023 Dr. Jennifer Hawn, currently a deputy superintendent in Southern California, will officially assume her position on July 1.
Schools Piedmont Education Foundation welcomes Spring Fling chairs By Piedmont Education Foundation | March 7, 2023 Catie Osborn and Anne Wheeler take the lead in fundraising for Piedmont elementary schools, announce parent sponsorship opportunities.
Featured in Category PHS senior earns Hispanic Heritage award By Piedmont Unified School District | March 7, 2023 Julia Banuelos was one of 300 recipients of a national Hispanic Heritage Foundation Youth Award.
Featured in Category PUSD accepting nominations for 2023 Arthur Hecht Volunteer Award By PUSD | March 3, 2023 The deadline to nominate a volunteer is March 17.
Education Despite union opposition, many teachers support dyslexia screening for all students By Joe Hong | CalMatters | March 2, 2023 Many teachers say early intervention is key to heading off later academic struggles.
Bay Area Bill would make superintendent of public instruction an appointed position By Diana Lambert | EdSource | February 28, 2023 Position would still require confirmation by the Assembly, Senate and the Senate Committee on Rules.
Bay Area California lawmaker introduces bill to require all-gender restrooms in schools By Michael Burke | EdSource | February 21, 2023 The bill would mandate schools have at least one gender-neutral bathroom alongside traditional gender-segregated bathrooms.
Bay Area Newsom’s big bet on fixing California’s poorest schools and narrowing achievement gaps By John Fensterwald | EdSource | February 16, 2023 Proposal implicitly acknowledges that school districts have not narrowed achievement gaps under the Local Control Funding Formula.
Featured in Category Grammy-nominated storyteller visits Wildwood for Black History Month By Robin Ludmer, Teacher Librarian, Wildwood | February 10, 2023 Diane Ferlatte captivated Wildwood students and staff with tales harkening back to her African, Southern, and African American roots.
Bay Area The pandemic fueled a public school exodus, study says By Karen D'Souza | EdSource | February 10, 2023 Disruptions wrought by the pandemic may force the education world toward rebuilding the critical connection between families and schools.