Citing weather, city backs away from pool completion date

In a video update sent to subscribers to the community pool project newsletter on Tuesday evening, the city said that the critical path for completing construction requires an extended stretch of dry weather in order to dig out and pour the second, smaller pool.

“When heavy rains – such as those experienced in early January and this week – saturate the soil, construction crews are unable to do the necessary excavation work and must wait for the site to dry out,” the email and accompanying videos said.

Although interior work is underway, “it is the ability to complete the second pool and begin the critical commissioning process – when systems are tested to ensure they are working together and as designed – that dictate when the pool will be ready for use. An expected opening date will be announced after the commissioning process is underway.”

At the Monday City Council meeting, members and parents connected to the PHS water polo team expressed their frustration over the ongoing construction delays. In December, the Council approved an additional $2.8 million in funding to complete the new community pool. The funds will come primarily from the city’s Facilities Capital Fund, the city said. This action brings the total project cost to $34.9 million, an increase from the original project budget of $28.9 million. At that time, construction completion was anticipated in “spring 2025”.

Pool pass model to be discussed on Feb. 13

In the Tuesday email, the city said that Recreation staff will bring a draft proposed pool pass model to the Pool Advisory Committee on Thursday, Feb. 13. The meeting will be held at 6 p.m. at City Hall and details about how to provide feedback on the proposal will come once the agenda is set.

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2 thoughts on “Citing weather, city backs away from pool completion date

  1. I agree with Rob. More excuses. Of course it rained! There’s no reason the excavation couldn’t have been completed during the summer. I suggest that an audit of all the change orders be started right now before the contractor comes back asking for more money.

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