There have been 54 new cases of COVID reported in Piedmont since last week, according to the Alameda County Health Department’s COVID-19 dashboard. COVID case counts in Piedmont on Tuesday stood at 1,225 — up from 1,171 on May 31. (Case data is updated daily but may change as the county reconciles its records. Official numbers do not reflect actual local case numbers due to increased use of home testing.)

PUSD reported weekly COVID numbers during the 2021-2022 school year on its website. It’s not clear yet whether the school district will be tracking cases in the same manner when classes resume in August.
On Friday UCSF’s Dr. George Rutherford told the San Francisco Chronicle that he had reason to believe the Bay Area was starting to exit the latest COVID surge. However, the emergence of new variants could affect its trajectory.
My husband had covid a couple weeks ago, and tried to report himself to the county. He was asked to complete a long, detailed form, and then go see a county health official the next day, in person — while he had covid. Nope. Pretty sure we’re undercounting.
Sounds like home tests don’t count on the state’s dashboard anyway. We’re definitely undercounting.