The Housing Advisory Committee will review the Draft Housing Element on April 19, 2022. The Planning Commission will hold a Special Public Hearing on the document on May 12, 2022. Both meetings will begin at 5:30 pm. The City Council is tentatively scheduled to hold a public hearing on the Draft Housing Element in June of this year.
The Draft Housing Element, a chapter of the General Plan, considers all types of housing programs, such as new land uses, housing types, and building types; modified heights and residential densities; code changes; subsidies; and incentives, in order to meet the state-mandated target of accommodating 587 new housing units by 2031 and the City’s goal to affirmatively further fair housing in Piedmont.
To facilitate discussions on housing and growth policy, staff created the Piedmont Housing Puzzle (https://piedmont.abalancingact.com/housingsim), a tool to simulate and explore options for growth within identified sites. Over 200 community members have participated in the Piedmont Housing Puzzle so far. The deadline for participation is May 1, 2022.
Housing Element Update Timeline
- April 8, 2022: Publication of the Draft Housing Element
- April 19, 2022: Piedmont Housing Advisory Committee meeting, starting at 5:30 pm.
- May 12, 2022: Special Planning Commission public hearing, starting at 5:30 pm.
- June 2022: City Council public hearing
- May 2023: Deadline for adoption of the final draft of the updated Housing Element, date amended due to recent state law requiring additional review and longer comment periods.