On Thursday, Jan. 6 at 7:30 p.m., the Community Pool Advisory Committee will meet to consider a recommendation to the City Council on the final version of the Piedmont Community Pool Conceptual Plan. This meeting will be conducted virtually. You can find more information including the agenda HERE. You can join the meeting via Zoom HERE.
Community Pool Advisory Committee
Sarah Olsen Meyjes
David del Villar Fernandez
Carolyn Pan
Steve Roland
Lynne Wright
Council Liaison: Betsy Andersen | bandersen@piedmont.ca.gov |
Staff Liaison: Chelle Putzer | cputzer@piedmont.ca.gov | (510) 420-3070
To contact the members of the committee, you may send electronic communications to the staff liaison noted above, who will distribute your comments to each of the committee members. You may also send your message via U.S. Mail to:
Piedmont Pool Advisory Committee
358 Hillside Avenue
Piedmont, California 94611
Communications sent to the Pool Advisory Committee are a part of the public record.
The first item on today’s PAC agenda is a briefing on the scope of facilities allowed under Measure UU. Can UU be used for just pool facilities or other recreational activities/services? This seems a more appropriate question for the Bond Oversight Committee but in any event a brief staff report would help the public to understand staff’s interpretation but none is provided for today’s meeting. That interpretation may be best understood from a use survey for the new facility (link below). Multipurpose rooms, cardio gyms and a cafe all appear to be permitted under UU.
Measure UU is provided below. I think the key language is “new pool facilities” and many of those uses in the survey are not related to a pool facility. The design process and the public would have been better served had this survey been issued at the first workshop.
Measure UU
Shall the measure to prevent permanent closure of Piedmont’s Community Pool by constructing new pool facilities, restrooms and related areas, to conserve energy and water, provide greater community access and safety, and authorize Piedmont to issue $19,500,000 in bonds at legal rates, generating $1,257,950 annually at an average rate of 2.6 cents per $100 of assessed valuation while bonds are outstanding, with all money staying local and independent citizens’ oversight, be adopted?