In response to feedback from residents about how to address Piedmont’s affordable housing shortage at the Feb. 1 meeting, the City Council approved a resolution creating a Piedmont Housing Advisory Committee. The Housing Advisory Committee will consist of five to seven members to be appointed by the City Council. Application forms to serve on City committees and commissions, including the Housing Advisory Committee, will be posted to the City website soon.
To learn more about the February 1, 2021 meeting, please watch the video on the City webpage. For more information, sign up to receive housing updates in your email in-box or email Senior Planner Pierce Macdonald-Powell.
On February 1, 2021, the City Council heard briefings about efforts to improve fair housing programs in Piedmont. Topics covered at the meeting included the response to the regional housing crisis, California’s Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) process, the SB2 housing programs grant, Piedmont’s adopted Housing Element, and $2.2 million available to Piedmont for affordable housing in the Alameda County’s Measure A-1 bond (2016).