A festive crowded gathered between rain storms at the Piedmont Community Center on Wednesday, Dec. 4 to celebrate the annual lighting of the holiday tree. The event was hosted by the Piedmont Beautification Foundation and featured caroling from the high school Troubadours singing group, candy canes and cookies distributed by the Scouts, and hot apple cider donated by Piedmont Grocery. Piedmont Connect and the Make-A-Wish Greater Bay Area hosted tables as well. Perhaps the biggest draw of all: A visit with Santa Claus inside the Center’s hall.
Valerie Corvin, Lindsey Meyersieck, Pam McBain and Patty Siskind Piedmont Connect members handed out free LED lightbulbs and shared information about the climate challenge Two young girls look on as the Piedmont Troubadours sing carols Mayor Bob McBain is the master of ceremonies Piedmont Beautification Foundation President Patty Siskind announces the arrival of Santa The countdown to the tree lighting begins Tony Slocumb with Make A Wish Foundation gets ready to light the tree with Santa The rain held off and there was a large gathering for the tree lighting at the Piedmont Community Hall A group of friends from Havens enjoy the cider, cookies and tree lighting After a wait, kids get to share their holiday wishes with Santa and have their photo taken Conrad Broussard tells Santa what he wants for Christmas while his sister Arden listens A smiley George Wall enjoying time with Santa Lily Schudel and Isabelle Taylor with Santa A youngster takes the opportunity to give a big hug to Santa before he heads inside Piedmont Community Church Rev. Dr. Bill McNabb invites the community to the church for carols and food following the tree lighting ceremony Piedmont Troubadours Kian Roseborough and Nate Seevak along with others Beautiful singing by The Piedmont Troubadours