Market Insights A New Perspective: Stuck in the mud | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass | September 8, 2023 [SPONSORED] Whether being literally stuck (like those Burning Man folks), or just metaphorically stuck -- in the case of many would-be home sellers -- I've got advice to pass on.
Featured in Category A New Perspective: Failure to Communicate | Real Estate Advice By Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass | August 11, 2023 [SPONSORED] Fetch. Sit.
Market Insights A New Perspective: We’re off to Croatia | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner and Sarah Abel | Compass | June 23, 2023 [SPONSORED] What to do when your plumbing sprouts leaks? Pay the literal piper and get out of town.
Market Insights A New Perspective: Say…what?! | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner and Sarah Abel | Compass | June 9, 2023 [SPONSORED] Why insurance is getting harder to acquire -- and a quick list of conditions making it so.
Featured in Category A New Perspective: Eyes Wide Open | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass | May 5, 2023 [SPONSORED] Going into a transaction with all the facts. Or: what to be aware of and how your realtor can help.
Featured in Category A New Perspective: Many Hands Make Light Work | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass | April 21, 2023 [SPONSORED] The power of "we"
Market Insights A New Perspective: Let’s Get Real | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass | April 6, 2023 [SPONSORED] Reality TV shows -- cooking, real estate -- are long on entertainment; reality not so much.
Featured in Category A New Perspective: Get the Picture? | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass | March 31, 2023 [SPONSORED] If a picture is worth a thousand words, then what is this one trying to say exactly?
Market Insights A New Perspective: Here comes more rain | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner & Sarah Abel | Compass | March 10, 2023 [SPONSORED] It's a soggy market, but there are some silver linings to be found among the clouds.
Featured in Category A New Perspective: If You Give a Moose a Muffin | Real Estate Insights By Julie Gardner and Sarah Abel | Compass | February 24, 2023 [SPONSORED] Like muffins needing jam, small projects can become big ones.