City Police provide update on May 6 strong-arm robberies By Exedra Staff | May 19, 2023 Police recover stolen vehicle used in robberies; suspects remain at large.
City City, PUSD to hold neighborhood meeting about Witter Field renovation on May 22 By Exedra Staff | May 19, 2023 Work on the field is scheduled to start on June 6 and will impact surrounding streets.
City Cal grad students present vision for Moraga Canyon housing at Monday’s City Council meeting By Sam Richards | May 16, 2023 The student team was one of three to develop conceptual plans for the siting, architectural design and financing of affordable housing for the 18-acre Moraga Specific Plan.
City Housing Element update: City submits revisions to state housing department By City of Piedmont | May 16, 2023 State reviewers expected to respond by May 23.
City City highlights new bike lane and crosswalk improvements on Moraga Avenue By City of Piedmont | May 16, 2023 The changes are designed to slow traffic for better pedestrian and bike safety.
City See what’s in the city’s FY2023-2024 budget By City of Piedmont, Exedra staff | May 9, 2023 High priority objectives include addressing building permit backlogs, Housing Element needs, the public safety dispatch center, and more.
City City Council approves additional spending to offset additional Housing Element costs By Sam Richards | May 2, 2023 City, consultants say tougher demands by state housing department have led to increased costs.
City Incoming city administrator brings unique perspective to the role By Sam Richards | May 2, 2023 Rosanna Bayon Moore has experience as both policy maker and policy implementer.
City New traffic changes near pool construction site start May 8 By City of Piedmont | May 2, 2023 Expect more truck traffic on Magnolia Ave. as soil excavation and removal picks up over the next two months.
City Photos | City caps a week of tree appreciation with Arbor Day celebration By Photos by Julie Reichle | April 28, 2023 2023 Heritage Tree nominators recognized on April 27.