City City Council to consider two proposals on Sept. 5 aimed at making it easier to create new housing in town By City of Piedmont | September 1, 2023 Pre-approved design plans for affordable ADUs and objective design standards for multifamily and mixed-use buildings are on the table.
City Revised Housing Element open for comment through Sept. 8 By City of Piedmont | September 1, 2023 While awaiting certification from the State reviewers, city staff are working to implement the Housing Element programs and policies.
Education Why new UC Berkeley housing law, if approved, won’t clear the way to build dorms yet By Mikhail Zinshteyn | CalMatters | August 31, 2023 Even if the proposal passes, its fate lies in the hands of the state Supreme Court.
homelessness Families have high hopes for Gavin Newsom’s CARE Courts. Providers want to lower expectations By Jeanne Kuang | CalMatters | August 28, 2023 The big new experiment to push people with mental illness off the streets and into treatment starts this fall.
Bay Area Affordable housing for teachers breaks ground in Palo Alto By Diana Lambert | EdSource | August 22, 2023 Teachers and school employees from districts in San Mateo and Santa Clara counties will be eligible to rent units in the new complex.
Bay Area Assembly bill would sidestep lawsuit over student dorm construction at People’s Park By Keith Burbank | Bay City News | August 22, 2023 The bill would eliminate the requirement to consider noise as an environmental pollutant when new housing is constructed.
gavin newsom Gavin Newsom gives ground to critics on his mental health plan. Will voters back it? By Kristen Hwang | CalMatters | August 18, 2023 The proposal is the second time in as many years that Newsom has advocated for significant changes to the state’s behavioral health system.
Housing As one more housing project stalls on noise concerns, another head sprouts from ‘CEQA Hydra’ By Mikhail Zinshteyn and Ben Christopher | CalMatters | August 17, 2023 Two recent state court rulings say human noise from future tenants is pollution that cities must address. Legal experts and the governor are pushing back.
Housing Making borrowing easier: Amendment to state constitution could unlock billions of dollars for California housing By Ben Christopher | CalMatters | August 10, 2023 An effort to lower the approval threshold for municipal bond measures would drastically alter the landscape for local government housing projects.
City Planning Commission to consider proposals on Aug. 14 aimed at making it easier to create new housing in town By City of Piedmont | August 8, 2023 Multifamily Objective Design Standards (MODS) and new affordable Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) incentives are on the table.