(This is a PUSD summary of the Oct. 26 school board meeting, not an Exedra recap.)
Received Presentation – Progress on LCAP Goal 1
The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three-year plan that describes the goals, actions, services, and expenditures that public schools in California plan to use to support positive student outcomes that address state and local priorities. PUSD uses the LCAP as its annual plan that describes all of the programs and priorities, including those that are not funded through state or federal funds. District staff presented progress on the action items for LCAP Goal 1 – All students and staff will feel physically safe and emotionally supported as part of a caring and inclusive community.
Received Presentation – Social Emotional Health Screener Results
District staff presented to the Board on recent social-emotional health screener data and reported on the interventions being provided for students at risk.
Read full background & view slidedeck.
Announced and Approved Contract With Executive Search Firm Leadership Associates
This past spring, when former Superintendent Booker announced he was leaving PUSD, the Board discussed and outlined a process for the Superintendent Search. In order to conduct a robust search with public input, the Board agreed to appoint an Interim Superintendent for school year 2022-23 and hire a search firm in the fall to aid in the selection process for the permanent Superintendent. At the Board’s June 22, 2022, meeting, the Board appointed Donald Evans, Ed.D. as Interim Superintendent. The Board sent out a Request for Proposal (RFP) to interested search firms and individuals on August 31, 2022. Two firms responded to the request – Leadership Associates and McPherson and Jacobson, L.L.C. On October 12, 2022, the Board held a Special Board Meeting to conduct the interviews with the two firms and invited the public to listen and give input. The Board selected Leadership Associates to provide this service and approved its contract for $23,500.
Approved and Adopted Resolution 09-2022-23 as Native American Heritage Month
Discussed Board Policy 0100 – Philosophy, Goals, Objectives and Comprehensive Plans
The school board has undertaken the task of updating a number of board policies. Since this summer, the focus has been on Board Policy 0100 – Mission, Vision, and Core Values. This update will provide valuable information to those within and outside of our district about PUSD’s unique attributes and goals, especially as it seeks to hire a new superintendent. Not only will this offer a window into who the District strives to be (vision) and the work undertaken to reach it (mission), it will reflect the needs of students as they enter a world that differs a great deal from when the policy was last updated. Board members met at special board workshops on July 14 & September 16 to create draft mission and vision statements, and a list of core values. On October 11 & 19, the Board invited members of the school community to participate in public forums to offer feedback on these statements.