There have been 55 new cases of COVID-19 reported in Piedmont since last week, according to the Alameda County Health Department’s COVID-19 dashboard. COVID case counts in Piedmont on Tuesday stood at 1,341 — up from 1,286 on June 7. (Case data is updated daily but may change as the county reconciles its records. Official numbers do not reflect actual local case numbers due to increased use of home testing.)
Cases are significantly underreported due to so many people now testing at home — results of which are not usually recorded with the state or counties — or not testing at all. Bay Area health officials believe the peak of this surge approached the height of the omicron-fueled winter surge, which was the largest wave of the pandemic yet.
“The good news is we do see some signs of leveling off or even decline. But it’s still high,” said Dr. Sara Cody, the Santa Clara County health officer, in a news briefing Friday. “Put your mask on when you’re indoors.”
San Francisco Chronicle reporting on Friday, June 17 “Bay Area COVID surge is winding down, but experts say cases could stay high well into summer”