The Blotter | Man found sleeping inside residence

A man was found sleeping in a residence on Blair Avenue and booked for trespassing. The incident was reported at 7:41 p.m. on July 8.

The reporting party said they had recently purchased the house and found the man sleeping inside. Police arrived and took the suspect into custody. The suspect told police he had been dropped off at the house a day before, according to Piedmont Police Captain Chris Monahan. The suspect was on probation in Alameda County and was taken to Santa Rita Jail in Dublin.

On July 9, a residential burglary was reported on Park Way at 7:10 p.m. Surveillance cameras showed two suspects entering the residence by the back door. One of the suspects was reported to have ransacked the primary bedroom, according to Captain Monahan. They then exited the building and drove away in a dark grey Ford Explorer. The homeowner was contacted and said he was unsure if anything was taken, according to Captain Monahan.

On July 6, a driver was pulled over for excessive speed and driving with his lights off at 1:52 a.m. near Grand Avenue and Mandana Boulevard. Captain Monahan said the driver exhibited signs of intoxication and unsuccessfully completed a field sobriety test. He was arrested on suspicion of DUI and taken to Santa Rita Jail where he completed a breath test with a blood alcohol level of 0.26 percent.

On July 11, at 1:32 a.m., an officer stopped a driver for driving in the bicycle lane and at an unsafe speed entering Piedmont at Wildwood Avenue, according to Captain Monahan. The 2012 Honda Civic was stopped at Grand and Linda Avenues. Police said there were multiple open containers of beer in the front passenger seat area and there was the odor of marijuana smoke.

The driver was unable to complete field sobriety tests and was arrested for suspicion of DUI and being unlicensed. He was taken to Santa Rita Jail and a blood warrant was issued.

Shortly before midnight on July 11, a burgundy 2009 Honda Accord was seen by police running a stop sign at a high rate of speed on Mandana Avenue, according to Captain Monahan. He said a traffic stop led to an officer observing signs of intoxication including a strong odor of alcohol. The driver refused a preliminary alcohol screening but agreed to a blood draw, according to Captain Monahan. The driver was taken to Santa Rita Jail and booked for suspected DUI.

On July 9, officers found a parked 2016 Dodge Charger with switched license plates on MacArthur Boulevard at 8:01 a.m. The occupant was detained. Records checked found the vehicle had been reported stolen out of San Jose. Captain Monahan said stolen vehicle charges were in progress.

On July 7, a brown 1991 Honda Accord was found on Oakland Avenue. A records check showed it had been reported stolen out of Oakland. The catalytic converter and battery were missing, according to Captain Monahan.

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