Who’s that Good Dog?

Family: Emily Wong, Dan, Cameryn and Elia Kwong

Pet: Mila

Age: 1 year old

Breed: Jack Russell Terrier

Adoption story: For as long as I can remember, my sister and I wanted a dog. Around a year and a half ago, my family started to take the idea more seriously, and we began looking. My dad only wanted a dog that was small and smart, so we decided on a Jack Russell Terrier. We chose Mila based on photos sent by the breeder and immediately fell in love with her brown spots and round eyes. We picked up Mila in Greenview, 5 hours away, close to the Oregon-California border.

The first time we saw her in person, she was with her mom outside the house while we were inside. They were both peeking through the window at us. When she came into the room, she first jumped onto my mom’s lap and started running around the room, jumping on our laps and on the tables and couches. During the ride home, Mila cried when we made her stay in her crate, so she sat on my lap for most of the ride.

Mila with Elia

Likes: Mila loves attention, playing tug of war, barking at squirrels and small birds, meeting new people, rolling around in the grass, playing fetch, chewing on toys, and eating peanut butter.

Dislikes: Getting her nails trimmed.

Interesting facts: Mila was in a Taylor Swift themed litter so all the names of her siblings were related to Taylor Swift and the Eras Tour — her name was Viva.

Anything else: Mila is a very energetic dog who will sometimes scare other dogs/people with her assertive personality. Most of the time, she thinks she’s playing and doesn’t realize she’s scaring them. Mila is food motivated so she will love you if you have any food for her.

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