The City of Piedmont hosted the March business meeting of the Alameda County Mayor’s Conference, which rotates to a different city in Alameda County each month. Meetings are attended by mayors and city managers of cities throughout Alameda County.
The main speaker for the event was Rachel Jones, Executive Officer of Alameda LAFCo (Local Area Agency Formation Commission).
The Piedmont High Jazz Band provided music during arrivals and welcomes, and art by local artist Raul Jorcino was on display. Catering was provided by Robert Dorsey, flowers by Victoria Thompson of Olive+Grace Stems, and Julie Gardner donated a case of wine.
Councilmember Conna McCarthy speaks with Jennifer Ott, City Manager of Alameda (left) and Alameda Mayor Marilyn Ezzy Ashcraft (right) The mayors and city personnel from local cities listen to Henry Symons, Principal Government and Community Relations Rep at BART City of Newark Mayor, Mike Hannon, and City of Pleasanton Mayor, Jack Balch Councilmember Lorrel Plimier talks with Mayor David Mourra of Emeryville and Mayor Jack Balch of Pleasanton Clare Weiss, solo vocalist, and the Piedmont Jazz Band perform Councilmember Conna McCarthy speaks with the Berkeley Mayor Adena Ishii Councilmember McCarthy holds forth over dinner Large pieces by Raul Jorcino were on display Floral arrangements by Olive+Grace Stems Lisa Argue, Piedmont Deputy City Clerk and Rosanna Bayon Moore, Piedmont City Administrator Mayor Betsy Andersen and Deputy City Clerk Lisa Argue