Photos | A day for Making

Julie Reichle

Kelly Corrigan and Claire Corrigan Lichty read from Marianne The Maker

Best-selling author and PBS host Kelly Corrigan and her daughter, PHS Class of 2021 alumna Claire Lichty met with Piedmont elementary school students to talk about their new book, “Marianne the Maker”, and the importance of arts and making. The Havens, Wildwood, and Beach Elementary School librarians hosted assemblies for Kindergarteners through third graders that day.

“We always love having the chance to introduce the students to authors. As Claire is a K-12 alum of our schools, some kids may be able to envision becoming an author themselves. Further, this book in particular is a wonderful way for us to launch conversations with some of our youngest students about the May 18 Piedmont Makers Faire,” said PUSD librarian Tiffany Cothran. You can submit a project for the Piedmont School Maker Faire HERE.

Corrigan and Lichty were honored guests at a public reception in the Piedmont Community Hall hosted by PEF´s Community Engagement Committee and spoke to parents later Tuesday evening at the Alan Harvey Theater.

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