High school talent on display at AP Art Show

Artist reception is Thursday, March 27 from 5:30-7:30 pm in the PHS theater lobby; and show will remain up through the following week. The community is invited to attend — entry is free.

The AP Art Show includes 19 student artists that will be exhibiting 5+ of their works from their AP Portfolio.  PHS offers three different AP Studio Arts portfolio options – AP 2D Design, AP 3D Design, and AP Drawing.  An AP Studio Art portfolio requires a student to design a Sustained Inquiry that is a personal interest that they follow through the year in an artistic response to an aesthetic question. This mirrors the idea of a studio artist as they demonstrate research, design, technical skill development, revision, experimentation, and synthesis of a concept with media and style.  At the point of submitting their portfolio to The College Board at the start of May, the student has created a cohesive body of 10 works of art accompanied by an artist statement.  

Gillian Bailey is a National Board Certified Art Teacher and Arts Integration Learning Specialist

PHS Studio Art & Ceramics give students experience in numerous forms of creative visual expression. Visit the QR code or link to make a voluntary Art Materials Donation. Donations go directly toward purchase of materials & supplies used by students to create artwork in the classroom such as paper, color pencils, paint, clay, & glazes.

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