Apply now for a Clean Water Program grant

Litter cleanups are among the types of projects funded by grants from the Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program. Photo credit: Benedicte Lassalle.

The Alameda Countywide Clean Water Program is now accepting applications for its Community Stewardship Grants, offering up to $6,000 per project to support community-based initiatives that prevent stormwater pollution and promote the health of local watersheds, creeks, and the San Francisco Bay.

Projects must be implemented within Alameda County, and the application deadline is May 9.

Eligible applicants include teachers and student groups, youth organizations, community and environmental groups, homeowner associations and non-profit organizations. Proposed activities can range from litter cleanups, creek restoration and wildlife habitat enhancement projects to art and multimedia projects, community outreach events and more. Creative and innovative ideas wanted!

To learn more, including projects funded in the past, and to download the application materials visit

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