Who’s that Good Dog?

Family: Kathleen, Bob, Jonathan, and Sarah Dinetz

Pet: Milo

Age: 3.5 years old

Breed: Labrador

Adoption story: We visited Ohio with our good friends and picked Milo up there. He is a great traveler wherever he goes. 

Likes: Milo is enthusiastic about almost everything. He loves meeting dogs and people, and he will get on his belly to meet small dogs nose to nose. Milo loves any body of water; pools, an ocean or river, snow, and puddles, with just one exception- bath time in the backyard. He loves to go with his dog friends on long trail runs. He also loves car rides (regardless of the length), but his absolute favorite thing to do is to curl up on our laps like a cat and get cozy — all 80 lbs of love.

Dislikes: Milo is sad when he finishes his dinner and his bowl is empty. As mentioned above, he does not like baths.

Interesting facts: Milo likes cats. He also loves to go to the vet, even for a quick hello. Milo loves to steal balls at the creek and have all the dogs chase him. Milo also loves oranges.

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