Piedmont police chief honored at SF Black History Month event

San Francisco DA Brooke Jenkins presents Chief Bowers with his award: "Your law enforcement career has been nothing short of extraordinary."

Piedmont Police Chief Jeremy Bowers was honored at the SF District Attorney’s Black History Month “Hometown Heroes” event yesterday. This year’s celebration highlighted achievements of African Americans in Labor & Innovation. Chief Bowers was recognized for his long-standing commitment to the African American community in the Bay Area and his innovative work partnering with residents and local schools to address gun violence.

Piedmont city councilmembers Conna McCarthy (center) and Jennifer Long (far right) join the celebration to honor Chief Bowers.

In a letter to Chief Bowers, San Francisco District Attorney Brooke Jenkins said:

As Piedmont’s first African American Chief of Police, your law enforcement career has been nothing short of extraordinary. As the previous Commander of Piedmont Police Department’s Operations Division, you understand the importance of community engagement. Piedmont Police Department’s collaboration with Brady United Against Gun Violence and Piedmont Unified School District to educate parents to identify immediate actions the community can make to protect each other against gun violence is innovative and creates an open dialogue with the community about perils of gun violence.”

Photos courtesy of the City of Piedmont

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