Interested in Scouting? Here’s how to choose a Troop

John Langkowski

March is the time for Piedmont youth to choose which Troop they will join by attending the Spring Troop Open Houses. Scouting America’s Piedmont Council supports five Troops, each with its own personality and traditions. Each Troop is youth-led, with trained adult support and supervision. Scouting encourages youth to choose, plan and lead their Troop activities and explore their own interests.

By taking on these responsibilities, Scouts develop and promote teamwork while learning to lead as well as follow. Troops meet weekly during the school year and typically plan six to eight weekend outings, including campouts, cycling trips, river rafting, or snow trips. Summer activities include a week of Scout camp and backpacking trips.

Spring Troop Open Houses are a great way to discover the Troop that is right for you. To help families navigate this process, navigate this process, the Piedmont Council provides this guide for youth and their parents.

Tips and Tricks for Tackling the Process with Your Child

Attend all of the Open Houses (or as many as possible) so you can really compare.

The prospective Scout and at least one parent should attend together.

Arrive 5 minutes early to sign in. Wear whatever clothing is comfortable. Arrow of Light Scouts may wear their uniforms if they like.

Find the right fit for your family. Don’t just follow your friends.

While your child should drive the majority of this decision, parents should guide if there is something that really matters to you. Help your child come up with criteria and evaluate together.

Prepare your child by telling them that there will probably be lots of people and some chaos and that they will likely be separated from their parents for part of the meeting. Don’t rush to make a decision after seeing only one or two troops. “We’re going to get all the information and then decide.”


Adults can take a couple pictures and notes to remember things that strike them.

Take a few notes together about the experience while still fresh.
List additional questions you have and email them to the troop contact.

Signing up:
Soft Deadline for signing up is March 22, 2025.
Go to Enter your zip code and click “Scouts BSA”
Scroll through troops and pick the Troop # you want to register for. Note you will also see some nearby Oakland troops listed.

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