Piedmont Community Service Crew (PCSC) is a youth development program open to all teens. We invite non-members (and their parents) who are interested in participating to join us on a work day at Hillcrest Elementary School on Jan. 25 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Crew will work on improving the gardens and school yards at the school that day.
Pre-registration is required HERE.
We expect a large number of volunteers and will form task teams where you can meet our members and crew parents. We will work along with Hillcrest students, parents and teachers. Lunch will be provided.
PCSC is one of the coed Venturing Crews (Crew 22) of the Piedmont Council of BSA. Members must be at least 14 years old (or be at least 13 years old and have completed the 8th grade) and can participate until they turn 21. Between two and three times each week, we offer a range of service opportunities that are selected by our youth leaders on the basis of being fun, social, meaningful and provide life skills learning. We are especially known for organizing major projects that are planned by members and funded by our crew.
Learn more about PCSC HERE.