The PUSD Board of Education on Wednesday night unanimously approved adding a new AP level Physics class and reclassifying upper level performing arts classes as Honors courses.
The updates include:
–Adding an AP Physics C course. Dolowich said last month that there was considerable interest in a calculus-based advanced physics course, and this class would meet that need. Representatives from Piedmont Makers voiced their strong support for the move.
Per the school, AP Physics C is comprised of the following two one-semester courses: Mechanics, and Electricity and Magnetism. Calculus is a co-requisite for enrolling in the course. Pending Board approval, Piedmont High School would offer both semester courses for students to be prepared to take the AP exam offered by the College Board
–Acting, Jazz Band, Orchestra, Dance, and Symphonic Band will now have Honors level coursework. Assistant Superintendent Ariel Dolowich and Piedmont High School Principal Dr. David Yoshihara said in December that there was considerable student and teacher interest (based on surveys) in adding a higher level for each of these performing arts courses, as students in the upper levels are already performing at an advanced level but without the extra grade bump an Honors designation confers. Yoshihara said then students often opt out of taking a high level of performing arts because of that dynamic, a point also made by APT President and PHS English teacher Dr. Elise Marks at that time.
Other nearby high schools, like Miramonte and Tamalpais, have similar course offerings.