Family: Carrie McAlister, John Protopappas, Ryo and Kea Woltag
Pet: Maka Lani
Age: 13 years old
Breed: Supermutt (10+ breeds)
Adoption story: Maka was rescued from a high-kill shelter in Stockton by a group named Copper’s Dream. She was being fostered by a woman in Marin when we met her 12 years ago. She was immediately enamored of Ryo and Kea and has been an integral member of our family ever since.
Likes: Chasing squirrels, hunting rodents, walks at Point Isabel, running with other dogs, watermelon, sliced bread and sneaking on the sofa when we are not home.

Dislikes: Chasing a ball, being left home alone, fireworks, skateboards and baths.
Interesting facts: Maka once climbed a six foot fence and walked across the top of the fence to get to the neighbors yard. She also pulled a watermelon off of the counter one summer and ate the entire thing leaving only the rind behind, and she used to regularly escape the backyard just so she could sit on the front door mat (she never left the property). She has amazingly soft ears and smiles when she is happy.
Anything Else: She has a 5 year old German Shepherd/Husky brother named Ace.