Family: Cheryl and Mark Rogers
Pet: Mika
Age: 3 years old
Breed: Golden Retriever
Adoption story: During the COVID lockdown, we decided we needed a dog and looked into breeders. Mika was the runt of the litter and has stayed small at 54 lbs, thankfully.
Likes: Cuddles, food, tearing off and eating bark from redwood trees, chasing lacrosse balls, romping at the Alameda off-leash dog park, and being naughty whenever she can.

Dislikes: Timeouts in the bathroom, being patient when we’re working, and not being allowed to come on the tennis court when we’re playing.
Interesting facts: Mika wins the howling prize whenever a siren goes by. She lifts her head and howls in long, loud phrases, usually for 20-40 seconds. It’s a riot!
Anything Else: Another one of her quirks is that she likes to sleep under our bed. She flattens out and inches underneath the bed frame until she’s all the way under.