Hanukkah doesn’t officially start until the evening of Dec. 25 this year, but the Community Hall courtyard on Sunday filled with families celebrating the upcoming holiday season at the Piedmont Recreation Department’s annual Donuts and Dreidels event. The event featured a dreidel mascot, a holiday-themed scavenger hunt, arts and crafts, a game of dreidel, menorah-making, face-painting, choral music and more. Temple Beth Abraham’s children’s choir, GleeBA, performed.
Participants also enjoyed coffee, juice, and Hanukkah sufganiyots (jelly donuts).
The Piedmont Community Hall Courtyard was abuzz on Sunday. PRD Recreation Director Eva Phalen poses with the Dreidel A young boy is fascinated by the blow-up dreidel. Families enjoying the entertainment Two friends dance to the music A mother and daughter listen to the Hanukkah singers A young girl decorates her menorah Finished menorahs awaiting their new homes A family spins the dreidel Storytime in the Japanese Tea Garden building Two girls get assistance with their long paper chain Posing for a photo with the Dreidel Hanukkah decorations at the Piedmont Community Hall