Family: Dane and Bruce Copeland
Pets: Bowie and Poppy
Age: Bowie is 9 years old and Poppy is 6 months old.
Breed: Bowie is a flat coated retriever/border collie and Poppy is a border collie mix.
Adoption story: Bowie and Poppy were adopted as 8-week puppies from the Milo Foundation. Bowie was the youngest and smallest of her litter, adopted just around the time David Bowie passed away, thus her name. Poppy was the oldest of four pups.
Poppy sporting evidence of digging in the sand Poppy with Dane enjoying a quiet moment
Likes: Poppy, channeling Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel, has a penchant for digging up rocks. Bowie leans into dressing up in silly hats that involve salmon treats. Did I mention salmon treats?…The fishier, the better. Bowie also loves digging holes in the sand at a beach. She also likes dog-friendly restaurants, hotels, and shopping. She is particularly fond of the treats store owners provide.
Dislikes: Poppy dislikes cold baths and Bowie dislikes riding in the car.
Interesting facts: Bowie has developed a habit of sitting down mid-walk to sniff hello to a dog coming her way, especially dogs she knows. Bowie uses body language, pawing something to communicate that she needs something – like her water bowl for water. Poppy likes to blow bubbles in her water bowl.
Anything else: Bowie is fluent in the words that get her what she needs and likes beyond treats: come, stay close, sit, shake, high-five, lay down, up, out — and the important ‘skootch’ for when she needs to slide over from taking up too much room on the couch or bed.