Who’s that Good Dog?

Name: Gus Vaughn

Family: Liz Vaughn

Age: 2

Breed: Doodle mix—mostly poodle with some Shepherd and Labrador

Adoption Story: I found him on Craigslist. Two family dogs ended up having a litter of puppies, and the family didn’t know what to do with them. Originally I picked one of Gus’ littermates, but I had just moved, was really busy, so I backed out. Of course I regretted that decision so much, so I reached back out, and it turned out someone else also backed out, and Gus was available.

At Dracena Park

Likes: He loves Dracena Park (especially chasing the squirrels there). He also loves to swim, so I take him to Point Richmond a lot. He also loves to pounce at balls and bones in the house.

Dislikes: He gets hot really easily, so he doesn’t like to be smothered—which I do a lot, because I love him. He’s afraid of loud noises, and the dog in the mirror.

Interesting facts: He has a dog door, and he loves to play with things on the other side of it. He’ll step halfway through, step back out, and paw at the toy on the other side. 

One time, when he was a puppy, I thought I lost him and freaked out. Eventually, I found him sleeping under my bed. 

Anything else: I just love Gus so much, he’s a goofy, lovable guy.

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