Name: Boots Olcott. We named him that because his paws look like he’s wearing boots.
Members of Family: Laura Pochop, Chad, Tess, Sadie, and Charlie Olcott, and dog-brother Titus.
Age: 2 and a half
Breed: Boots is a total mix. We did a DNA test on him, and he is 50% a mix of 12 different breeds, and his other half is “Supermutt”, which is a mix of small percentages of DNA from a bunch of other breeds.

Adoption Story: I saw a Facebook post from a woman in Piedmont who had fostered a dog from Rocket Dog Rescue, and was looking to find him a home. I thought he was the cutest puppy ever so I reached out. She ended up adopting him, but he had 11 other littermates, and five that were still available.
Boots was being fostered with his sister by a different woman, and she said that he had very good eye-contact and high ‘trainability’. He was so cute, and we decided that he was the one!
Likes: He loves to be off leash, and to hike. He also likes to go to the Berkeley Marina, roll in grass, and to protect his older, much smaller, brother.
Dislikes: He doesn’t like taking baths.
Interesting facts: When he was a puppy, he got into a pack of gum and almost died. Even though he only chewed around three pieces for less than a minute, he collapsed and had a seizure, and we immediately took him to the emergency vet. The chemical Xylitol is in a lot of sugarless products, including gum, sugarless peanut butter, and candy, and is extremely poisonous for dogs.
Anything else: The rescue organization told us that he was a 17-week-old Border Collie that would grow to be around 30 pounds, but it turns out that he was a 12-week-old Pitbull-looking dog that grew to be 70 pounds. But we love him, and are so glad he’s a part of our family. He is the best.