Name: Buddy Davies
Members of Family: Frankie, Matt, Grace, and Charlotte Davies
Age: 11 or 12
Breed: We did a DNA test and found out that he is half Cocker Spaniel, and the other half is a mix of poodle, Bichon, and small percentages of different breeds.
Adoption Story: In 2015, Charlotte began begging for a dog, so we started visiting the Milo Foundation. We would meet and walk dogs, but it took a while to find one we truly wanted. Every time we would leave empty-handed, Charlotte would cry for the whole drive home.
One visit, I went down alone, and encountered a crate of little white dogs jumping, barking, and acting crazy. Buddy was sitting quietly in the corner, and it looked like he was silently begging me to take him home. I went back later that day with Charlotte and we adopted him.
The vet said they found him wandering around Bakersfield with a few other dogs. He was full of fleas, ticks, and other things when they brought him in.
Buddy with Charlotte and Grace Buddy quietly telegraphing: “please adopt me!” Soaking up the Tahoe sunshine
Likes: String cheese, chocolate, and sitting around with us on the couch. He also loves going to Tahoe.
Dislikes: He hates water: especially puddles and the rain.
Interesting facts: Rescues don’t usually cost much, but Buddy proved to be a very expensive dog. A couple years after we got him he started having trouble walking. So we took him to the vet, and he ended up needing spinal surgery. More recently, he ruptured his spleen…and so…more surgery.
Anything else: We’ve been blessed with Buddy, especially as our first dog. He is such a good dog, so chill, and loving. We love him so much.