Photos | Pancakes + chalk art = perfect Sunday

Pancake breakfast mascot

The Beach Dads Club (aka the Baja Padres) and the Piedmont Arts Fund hosted their annual joint fundraising event on the Beach Elementary School blacktop on Sunday, Sept. 8. Both events are longstanding traditions and an example of what Piedmont does best: bringing the school community together for fun to raise money for the schools.

Proceeds from the 19th Annual Pancake Breakfast benefit the Beach Parents Organization (BPO) to support vital educational programs and student enrichment. Proceeds from the Chalk Art Festival go to art programs in the Piedmont schools.

Los Padres: Left to right: Michael Wilhelm (president of Baja Padres club “Padre Grande”), Herm Kim, Arash Ghassemi, Peter Jaeschke, and Will Rogan

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