Here Kitty, Kitty

Name: Olive C. Watkins

Family: Virginia Watkins, Jonathan, William, and Elliott Becker, Olive (cat), and Hutch (dog)

Age: 10 years old

Breed: Tabby with henna highlights

Adoption Story: We went to a pet store on a ‘free pet adoption day’ to look at yellow tabbies, which I learned are 90% male. I was interested in adopting a female cat and my son William spotted another cat who was about 5 months old, female, very friendly, and curious. We brought her home that day and named her Olive.

Favorite napping spot: She has many! She likes to sleep in a bed near Jonathan’s desk, under various bushes, and on our sunny patio; she sometimes snores.

Favorite toy: Shadow play. Her imagination is active and she conjures up toys that we cannot see.

Interesting facts: Olive used to eat large holes in blankets and sweaters. Thankfully she never got sick. About a year ago, she somehow convinced us 2 meals a day was not adequate, so she is often served lunch.

Anything else: Watch out! Olive loves to jump out from behind a bush to surprise passersby. She loves to go on neighborhood walks with our dog Hutch.

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