Names: Sunny & Cocoa
Family: Jen, David, Ben, & Theo Ferguson
Age: 9 years old
Breed: Domestic short hair
Adoption story: We adopted them together from Hopalong Animal Rescue. We were looking for 2 brother kitties after our last cat died, and we met these two bonded male kitties that stole our hearts. Cocoa had the loudest purr of any cat we’ve known, and Sunny was super social with all of us from the moment we met him. It was love at first sight.
Favorite napping spot: Sunny will nap wherever there is sunshine or a warm lap, he especially likes napping on new people he’s just met! Cocoa prefers to nap privately under our bed (he’s shy).
Favorite toy: When our kids were younger, the cats’ favorite toys were nerf gun bullets; we would find them hidden all over the house and in their food bowl.
Sunny and Cocoa with Jen, Theo, and David Ben in his college dorm room with Cocoa and Sunny avatars
Interesting facts: Sunny likes to lie upside down on Jen’s lap during dinner. He likes when she puts her napkin on top of him! Cocoa hates when humans sneeze; he can sense one coming and will run away before it even starts!
Anything else: We think Sunny is a reincarnated dog. He greets us at the door and always wants to play and get tummy rubs from everyone he meets. Cocoa is a more typical scaredy cat, but we love them both the same.