Name: Charlie Sade
Members of Family: Matthew, Wynee, Isabel, Harrison, and Zachary Sade
Age: 4
Breed: Cockapoo (75% Poodle, 25% Cocker Spaniel)
Adoption Story: We found Charlie from a breeder based in the Midwest, and arranged to pick him up in 2020, prior to the start of the pandemic. Luckily, his breeders were open to flying him and four of his littermates to the Bay Area in April of 2020, and basically hand-delivered him to us at SFO. The airport was completely empty, except for the handful of people who flew in to pick up their dogs.
Likes: His favorite thing to do is to sit on our couch, perched over a window to the street, and bark as dogs walk by. He also loves sleeping.
Dislikes: He hates putting on his harness—he’ll hide when he sees it.

Interesting facts: He’s a hardened road traveler by now—we drive to Tahoe with him almost every week. When we first started bringing him to Tahoe the question wasn’t if he was going to throw up, but how many times. Now, he’s super chill in the car.
A few years ago, Charlie decided to chase a coyote down the road in Tahoe. Matthew ran screaming after him, but Charlie wouldn’t stop. Eventually, Charlie stopped running, the coyote stopped running, and Matthew stopped running, and they all stood there, looking at each other. Finally, the coyote ran away and Charlie went inside.
Anything else: He’s a very chill, good dog. He’s been a calming presence in our house since we adopted him.