Here Kitty, Kitty

Blue and Bianca

Names: Blue and Bianca

Members of Family: Anjuna (who teaches at Piedmont Middle School), Tim, and Bodie Lohnes

Age: 6 years old

Breed: We don’t know!

Adoption Story: As soon as COVID lockdown started we adopted them. Seriously within weeks. We needed cheering up and I knew they would be a great focus.  We found them on Pet Finder at an SF rescue and picked them up sight unseen.

Favorite napping spot: Blue loves to nap on the dining room table, and Bianca sleeps in a dining room chair under the table cloth.

Favorite toy: Blue loves plastic springs and Bianca loves ribbon wands.  Bianca will beg you to play with her by dragging the wand around and meowing.

Interesting facts: Blue is accident prone… he’s even had a kitty cast. He also has “fangs” that stick out.  Bianca is the most playful cat I’ve ever had. 

Anything else: They love to sleep with us all at night… they rotate whose bed, but always want to be ON a human.

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