Who’s that Good Dog?

Name: Balder Johnson (after “Balder” from Norse mythology)

Members of Family: Kalie and Brooks Johnson

Age: 5

Breed: Carolina Dog

Adoption Story: Soon after my old dog died, I started looking for a bigger, more healthy breed of a dog. I’ve always wanted a Dingo, and Carolina dogs are basically American Dingos. I looked online for Carolina rescues, and found him at a rescue agency in Tijuana, Mexico, called AHA animal rescue, that collaborates with a family-run pet store in San Diego. They sent videos of Balder interacting with other dogs and just being himself. After watching those videos, I figured he seemed like a good boy, and I found out a way for him to be sent up to the Bay Area.

Likes: His favorite thing to do is cuddle on the couch. He loves to play with other dogs and chase squirrels. He loves eating—he immediately knows when I open the meat and cheese drawer (even if he’s in the other room).

Dislikes: He doesn’t eat fruits or vegetables. 

Interesting facts: He’s a big talker; he likes to ‘chirp’ when he is excited and around other dogs and people.

Balder with Brooks and Kalie

Anything else: He is the easiest dog I’ve ever had in terms of training, because he was already housebroken. He’s just a very chill, fun guy.

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