Name: Brownie Kaelin
Members of Family: Nick, Katie, Calla and Amil Kaelin, and his dog-brother Maku
Age: 5
Breed: Mystery
Adoption Story: We got him from Bella Vita pet rescue in Oakland. They took him in after he was living with a “dog hoarder” with 30 other dogs. He was only nine months old, so he was super small and scared. It took him a while to get used to eating normally — he had a habit of taking his food and hiding it.
Likes: He loves to chase other dogs and wrestle with his brother, Maku. He also loves to sleep and cuddle with the kids. Due to growing up so hungry, he loves any type of food, and anyone that has food.
Dislikes: He’s suspicious of new people; it takes him a while to warm up to strangers.
Interesting facts: He was super nervous when we first took him home, and he would only sit on Nick’s lap, which made the rest of the family jealous. Once he warmed up to us, he got comfortable around everyone.

Anything else: I would recommend anybody who is thinking of adopting a dog to look into the dogs that are out there in shelters and for fostering. We got a mystery breed that turned out to be a super fun, kooky guy, and we love him so much.