Name: Zuma Rigatoni Maffei. We named him after the beach in Malibu (not the Paw Patrol character). The kids gave him his middle name, Rigatoni.
Members of Family: Alex, Ariel, Luca, and Mia Maffei
Age: Around 1
Breed: Pitbull, German Shepherd, Husky, Rat Terrier, and 13% Supermutt, which means he has a small percentage of DNA of a bunch of other breeds.
Adoption Story: My six-year-old-daughter went to a birthday party at the SPCA where they gave the kids a tour behind the scenes, and we ended up coming home with a dog.
Likes: He likes to eat sticks, vegetables from the vegetable garden—especially the peppers. He’s very food driven.
Zuma with Mia and Ariel Zuma with Mira
Dislikes: He doesn’t like to wear his lead or little halter. He’s also not a huge fan of water and swimming.
Interesting Facts: He’s a really good family dog. He’s really good with our kids, but when he was little he was a little nibbley.
Anything Else: I grew up getting dogs from breeders, but it has been really lovely being able to get dogs from shelters and having Zuma be a member of our family.