Who’s that Good Dog?

Mars and Julie

Name: Mars Rover Borjon

Family: Julie, Avery, and Chase Borjon

Age: 16 months

Breed:  Labrador Retriever; he’s one-half black lab, and one-half yellow lab.

Adoption Story: One of my good friends had two dogs who accidentally had puppies. I went over to her house one day, and she had eight adorable two-week-old-puppies. When Avery and Chase came over, Mars crawled into Avery’s lap almost immediately, and we knew he was the one. We officially adopted him when he was six weeks old.

Likes: He’s very food-motivated; he will eat just about anything. He also loves going to the park and being social with other dogs.

Dislikes: He doesn’t like being alone; he’s a people dog.

Interesting facts: He thinks he loves birds and squirrels, but he wouldn’t know, because he’s never caught one.

Anything else: He is the best dog ever. And he gives the best kisses and snuggles.

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