The Drink | Lemon Drop

A classic cocktail made simple.

Some great cocktails require too much effort.  Becky and I would make them more often if only we didn’t have that one annoying extra step (“coat the rim with sugar, rinse the glass with absinthe, muddle 20 mint leaves,” etc.).  A Lemon Drop used to be one of those drinks. But thanks to the magic of swapping ingredients (and our generous Piedmont friend and neighbor Kara Baysinger who shares her homemade Limoncello), you can make this refreshing concoction in two minutes — and not end up with a plate full of wet sugar.

  • 2 oz. Limoncello (if you don’t know Kara yet, we recommend the brand Villa Massa, available at local liquor stores)
  • 1 oz. Vodka
  • 1/2 oz. Lemon juice
  • Combine ingredients in a shaker with lots of ice.
  • Shake for 20-30 seconds.
  • Strain into a cocktail glass.  Enjoy!

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