Oakland Police Department warns public against robbers posing as police officers

Oakland police have warned the public against robbers posing as police officers before entering residences.

According to the Oakland Police Department, there were two recent residential robberies in East Oakland where suspects dressed in plain clothes verbally identified themselves as police officers.

“In several recent cases, one to four unknown suspects have broken into residences, searched, and demanded items from the victims. When confronted or questioned about their identity, the suspects announce ‘OPD,’ and another incident announces ‘police’ as they enter the residence,” the police department said.

Investigators are looking into this trend while additional officers have been deployed to areas around the city, according to police.

The following are tips from the Oakland Police Department:

  • OPD officers will knock and announce their presence.
  • OPD officers will be in clothing that identifies them as law enforcement officers.
  • OPD plainclothes officers do not force entry into residences.
  • Don’t resist.
  • Trust your instincts. If in doubt, call 911.

Anyone who has been victimized similarly or has information regarding any of these cases is asked to call Oakland police at (510) 238-3326.

The post Oakland Police Department warns public against robbers posing as police officers appeared first on Local News Matters.

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